Óntico Urban Design Hotel

Celestún, Sisal

Coastal town in the northwest of the peninsula that preserves its quiet fishing village atmosphere and where you can take a boat to spot flamingos. Sisal is a very quiet place because it is surrounded by nature and there are no buildings or tourist complexes like in Cancun or Playa del Carmen. You can breathe tranquility, clean air and the fresh sea breeze. To get around you can use a bicycle or a motorcycle taxi that can take you to any part of the town.

  • 3 People $2,400.00
  • 5 People $3,000.00

(This tour does not include food or boat tours, please check prices with the reception staff.)

All tours include private transportation with driver, snacks and bottles of water along the way to tourist attractions. Visiting times are governed according to the stipulated schedule of the attractions. It is recommended that the guest decide the departure and return time.

The tours do not include a guide or drinks.

The recommended departure time for tours is 9:00 a.m., although the guest can determine the departure time.


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+52 9994294747

+52 999 780 4239


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